Water Seeps From Weak Spot In Wall
In the center of this photo, water can clearly be seen running down the wall where the pipe enters the basement. Over time, this will most certainly lead to warping and damaging of the floors and mold growth.
CleanSpace and TripleSafe In Place
This final photo shows the freshly installed TripleSafe sump pump on the lefthand side. This is where the water that WaterGuard system pipes away ends up before being pumped up out of the basement. Behind the pump is the CleanSpace wall covering. This inorganic material seals any and all moisture that comes from the walls out of the living space and gives the area a nice, clean look.
Extending the Discharge Line
The discharge line was extended away from the foundation of the home.
IceGuard System
IceGuard was installed outside of the home to ensure water can escape when pipes are frozen or clogged.
WaterGuard Installed
Our WaterGuard system has been installed under the floor. This collects any water that comes down or from the base of the walls and pipes it away.
Finished Waterproofing
Now, the basement is completely waterproofed.
A TrenchDrain was installed in front of the water heater to ensure all water is collected.