Latasha M. of Mount Vernon, Illinois needed her basement waterproofed. Every time it would rain or storm, her basement would leak out where the floor meets the wall, destroying his flooring and walls in the basement. She was also unable to store anything in his basement without fear of it becoming damaged or destroyed by water. SHe finally decided to call Woods Basement Systems to see what they could do to help. Woods Basement Systems is the expert in All Things Basementy! We have the solutions to help restore and fix your homes basement, crawlspace, and foundation problems.
In order to waterproof the basement we installed our WaterGuard System.
WaterGuard is different than other systems because it is installed on-top of the footing, keeping it above mud and dirt that could possibly clog the system.
Our experts will waterproof your basement in a quick and timely matter, with no sacrifice to quality.
Finished Basement
Now the basement is completely waterproofed and ready to used for storage again.