Moisture vapor can get past a plastic vapor barrier in a crawl space at the unsealed perimeter or where ever the plastic is rolled back. The insulation holds this moisture and sags or complete drops off leaving the home unprotected from the heat and cold in Freeburg, IL. For insulating the walls, we use SilverGLO™. It is an R13 reflective material that helps control the comfort inside the crawl space because it blocks moisture and helps keep the temperature constant. Also, it does not support mold growth like the moisture condensing on the pink insulation. The rest of the crawl space is sealed with CleanSPACE™ a durable vapor barrier that stops any water vapor from being released up from the dirt crawl space and getting into the home. A sealed crawl space with insulated walls makes the home more comfortable year round.
Falling Insulation
Once the moisture vapor leave from beneath the plastic vapor barrier it will condense on the insulation and over time cause it to drop away and leave the home unprotected from the heat and cold.
Insulated Crawl Space Wals
SilverGLO is the reflective insulated material for crawl space walls the act to stop moisture from coming through the crawl space walls and keeps the whole home more comfortable.
Cut to Fit
SilverGLO™ can be cut to fit any size crawl space and the seams are air sealed once mechanically fastened to the foundation wall..
CleanSPACE™ Vapor Barrier
The white CleanSPACE™ vapor barrier is 20 mil thick and stops all the water vapor from escaping the dirt crawl space and getting up into the home.