Can Light Regular in Belleville, IL
Can lights are a major source of air leakage in many homes. This is the regular photograph for use with comparison to the photograph of the same can light taken using thermal imaging.
Can Light Thermal Imagine Belleville, IL
This is a photograph that was taken in Belleville, Illinois using thermal imaging. The can light is the greatest source of heat loss in this photograph (white is the hottest while blue is the coldest color).
Attic Access Regular in Belleville, IL
This is a plain photograph of a harmless looking attic access. See the thermal imaging photograph of this attic access for the truth about attic access'.
Attic Access Thermal Imaging in Belleville, IL
This is a thermal imaging photograph taken of the same attic access as the other attic access photograph in this folder. The hottest part of this photograph is the inner edge of the attic access cover with the moderately hot (yellow and green) areas being the attic access cover itself.
Knee Wall Regular, Belleville, IL
This knee wall looks like it should prevent any and all loss of heat due to all the insulation stuffed in it right? Check out the thermal imaging picture of the wall below this knee wall to find out.
Knee Wall Thermal Imaging, Belleville, IL
This photograph was taken using thermal imaging and shows the wall directly below the knee wall shown in the other knee wall picture in this album. As you can see air is still flowing through this wall which can create drafts and reduce home comfort.
Hot Pipe Regular in Belleville, IL
This photograph shows insulation in direct contact with a hot pipe in Belleville, Illinois. Insulation should not come into direct contact with a hot pipe. Whats worse is there is a large hole directly next to this hot pipe. The insulation was removed from this hot pipe during the energy audit and it was found that the insulation had melted to the hot pipe. Insulation that comes into direct contact with a hot pipe is a serious fire hazard.
Hot Pipe Thermal Imaging in Belleville, IL
This photograph, taken in Belleville, IL, was taken using thermal imaging of the same pipe shown in the other hot pipe picture in this album. The oval shape is the hot pipe and the rectangle shape is the hole that was next to the hot pipe. As you can see air is flowing freely through the hole next to the hot pipe and the insulation that was in direct contact (and creating a fire hazard) with the hot pipe wasn't doing any good to begin with.
Roof Regular in Belleville, IL
This is a regular photograph taken in Beleville, Illinois to be compared to the picture of this same area using thermal imaging. As you can see nothing appears to be wrong in this photograph but the thermal imaging tells another story.
Roof Thermal Imaging Belleville, IL
This photograph was taken in Belleville, Illinois using thermal imaging. This picture depicts improper insulation allowing conditioned air to escape.
Improperly Insulated Wall Regular in Belleville, IL
This photograph shows a wall that appears to have nothing wrong with it but the picture of the same wall using thermal imaging that is in this album tells a different story.
Improperly Insulated Wall Thermal Imaging, Belleville, IL
This is a photograph of an improperly insulated wall in Belleville, Illinois that appears to have nothing wrong with it to the naked eye. Thermal imaging reveals that this wall is a major source of heat loss.