Air Loss Through Attic Fan
A lot of air is lost into the attic through the fan because there are gaps even when its closed and not running.
Air from the outside can come into your home through the cantilever. As well as the air from the inside can leak out through it. This is what has many homes have cold floors.
Spray Foamed Cantilever
This cantilever was air sealed with Dr. Energy Saver's two part spray foam. The spray foam seals all air penetrations from coming in or out in this cantilever. This cantilever is insulated now as well.
Eliminating Attic Fire Hazards
Having insulation pressed against your hot pipe in the attic is a major fire hazard. If insulation gets caught up against the pipe it could easily start a fire. Dr. Energy Saver gets all the insulation away from this pipe and the barricades it so that no insulation can come back into contact with it. The hot pipes barricade is this sealed removing any entry way for insulation.