Team Woods Welcomes Josh Hosler
Woods Basement Systems is proud to welcome Josh Hosler to our team. Josh brings with him over 14 years of experience helping customers solve problems and achieve their goals.
As an entrepreneur, Josh founded his own marketing company in 2008. He worked directly with financial advisors, insurance agents, and small business owners to help generate new business and clients as well as restore failing businesses. He has worked with corporate and small business clients to revitalize their companies, grow their customer base, and generate new jobs.
Josh has already set and broken more records than ever existed prior to his tenure at Woods Basement Systems. Josh is not a one-size-fits-all problem solver. He gives every customer his undivided attention, taking the time to design problem-specific systems that accomplish exactly what his customers have asked him to do. As a result, Woods Basement Systems has even more satisfied and loyal customers who have the highest level of protection for their real estate.
We are proud to have Josh on our team, and he is available to help you solve your basement, crawl space, or foundation problem today.